Sea-mail #1


66h stay in Lonyearbyen we spent on:
* replenishing food supplies
* yacht-connected works
* fraternization with previous captain
* witnesing invasion from 11-stair Costa (!) Pacifica - for few hours the amount of people in Lomgyear was at least doubled
* negotiations with Sysselmann crowned with an approval for visiting Virgohamna. If we behave well, the next crew can also get it.
* further purchasing - we've got stamps Nordpolet (= liquor store) on our flight tickets, the evidence of purchasing liquid antidepressants. Ration for each printed ticket! The next crew can express their gratitude in a liquid form.
* concluding that it's far better to buy signal gun for 890 NOK rather than hireing it for a comparable price. The next crew can express their gratitude in cash and liquid form.
* the crew's morale on an average high level